Even if you already have Acrobat Reader installed on your hard drive, you may want to install the version from this CD-ROM, since it contains files necessary to take advantage of advance searching capabilities and web browser linking. Restart your computer with extensions off (hold down the shift key while your computer is restarting) and double-click the "Install Acrobat Reader" icon to install Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Search.
If you already have Acrobat Reader version 2.1 or higher installed on your hard drive, but you do not have Acrobat Search, double-click the "Install Acrobat Search" icon.
Once Acrobat Reader has been installed on your hard drive, double-click the "Start Here" icon. This takes you to the Table of Contents page for the online version of Maclopedia, which includes the text of the book, completely searchable.
The online documentation is chock full of Internet links (URLs). Clicking on these links will open up your favorite browser and immediately take you to the specified destination. If they don't work as expected, make sure you've configured Acrobat Reader to open the web browser of your choice. (Go to the Edit menu and select Preferences/Weblink…)
Also, you'll find a ton of freeware, shareware, and commercial demos.